Figure captions with markup.
This is the test site for the
package for Emacs/Org-mode.
It is updated automatically after each commit to the
It was last updated on Oct 05, 2024 21:20 UTC.
.Image in homepage branch bundle:
Figure captions with markup.
Here is a footnote where it originally had Japanese text on both lines1. Here is a footnote where originally the first line ended in English but next line started with Japanese2. Here is a footnote entirely in English3. これはテストです. ↩︎ English on line 1 の Japanese on line 2 ↩︎ This is a long footnote. It is so long that it gets auto-filled over multiple lines. But even then it should be handled fine.
Exporting footnote with source block
This is some text1. This is a long footnote. It is so long that it gets auto-filled over multiple lines. But even then it should be handled fine. ↩︎
This is some text1. This is a long footnote. It is so long that it gets auto-filled over multiple lines. But even then it should be handled fine. ↩︎
The strings in these two columns should look the exact same. Rendered Actual Rendered Expection 1 ‘This’ ‘This’ 2 “This” “This” 3 “It’s” “It’s” 4 ‘It’s’ ‘It’s’ 5 “” “” 6 “”. “”. Note: There is a rendering issue is Row 5 above. That seems to be a corner case, because notice that Row 6 looks fine just because there was a trailing period. Will live with this issue for now.
La herencia de fecha y slug es útil cuando desea usar los mismos datos y slug para múltiples publicaciones, pero en diferentes idiomas. English version
Date and slug inheritance is useful when you want to use the same data and slug for multiple posts, but in different languages. Spanish version
Here is the summary.
This is a regular page. Below content is fetched from the headless page bundle headless-page-bundle-x. Source ( of the referenced headless bundle.
+ Hugo 0.101.0
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