Following text will export _.. as subscript and ^.. as superscript # ab abc ab abc Following text will export _{..} as subscript and ^{..} as superscript # ab abc ab abc
This is the test site for the
package for Emacs/Org-mode.
It is updated automatically after each commit to the
It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.
.Image in homepage branch bundle:
Following text will export _.. as subscript and ^.. as superscript # ab abc ab abc Following text will export _{..} as subscript and ^{..} as superscript # ab abc ab abc
This post will be exported without title in the front-matter because it is disabled using :EXPORT_OPTIONS: title:nil.
This post will be exported without title in the front-matter because it is explicitly set to empty using :EXPORT_TITLE:.
Ensure that the underscores in title string of front matter do not get escaped.. foo_bar must not become foo\_bar.
This post has no date. Export this second post only by bringing point here and doing M-x org-hugo-export-wim-to-md.
Export this first post only by bringing point here and doing M-x org-hugo-export-wim-to-md.
ox-hugo Issue #96 To test the fix for this, increase/decrease the width of the browser window showing this page so that the test lines below start wrapping around, and you will see that the footnote references will never be on their own on a new line. Footnote ref at EOL # Last word, followed by FOOTNOTE PERIOD — Good Case A # As there is no space in-between “word FOOTNOTE PERIOD”, this text will stay unmodified.
This code block contains a fenced code block with 4 backticks: ````emacs-lisp (message "Hello") ```` This code block contains a fenced code block with 3 backticks: ```emacs-lisp (message "Hello again") ``` This code block contains no backticks: (message "Hello again x2") This code block again contains a fenced code block with 4 backticks: ````emacs-lisp (message "Hello again x3") ```` This code block contains a fenced code block with 6 backticks:
If the EXPORT_HUGO_OUTPUTS property is left empty/unset, ox-hugo will not set the outputs variable in the front-matter at all. So only the HTML output will be created (default).
Note: A single.json is required to be at a valid location in the template lookup hierarchy for the JSON outputs to be created. Here’s the JSON output version of this page.
+ Hugo 0.101.0
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