.Kind (page): .Type (posts) / .Layout ()
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ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit eee5dd4 "Fix underscore escaping" on 2022-01-03.
Markdown source of this page

Table with Org markup where the markup is ignored


QueryID SQL Text Query Time (Seconds) Query Time Hot (Seconds) Q0 SELECT cab_type, count(*) FROM trips_log GROUP BY cab_type; 10.14 11.57 Q1 SELECT passenger_count, avg(total_amount) FROM trips_log GROUP BY passenger_count; 12.00 6.27 Q2 SELECT passenger_count, toYear(pickup_datetime) AS year, count(*) FROM trips_log GROUP BY passenger_count, year; 10.45 7.23 Q3 SELECT passenger_count, toYear(pickup_datetime) AS year, round(trip_distance) AS distance, count(*) FROM trips_log GROUP BY passenger_count, year, distance ORDER BY year, count(*) DESC; 13.


QueryID SQL Text Query Time (Seconds) Query Time Hot (Seconds)
Q0 SELECT cab_type, count(*) FROM trips_log GROUP BY cab_type; 10.14 11.57
Q1 SELECT passenger_count, avg(total_amount) FROM trips_log GROUP BY passenger_count; 12.00 6.27
Q2 SELECT passenger_count, toYear(pickup_datetime) AS year, count(*) FROM trips_log GROUP BY passenger_count, year; 10.45 7.23
Q3 SELECT passenger_count, toYear(pickup_datetime) AS year, round(trip_distance) AS distance, count(*) FROM trips_log GROUP BY passenger_count, year, distance ORDER BY year, count(*) DESC; 13.03 10.80

Page (Debug)

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Page Params (Debug)

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This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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