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ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit cb4c88d "fix(tmp): Remove test for a standalone image" on 2025-02-12.
Markdown source of this page

Image with Hugo figure shortcode parameters set using ATTR_HTML

tags: image


Figure captions with markup.


ox-hugo Issue #17

Setting class parameter #


Setting alt parameter #


Org-mode Unicorn Logo

Setting title parameter #


Setting image caption #

The image caption can be set in two ways.

  1. Using the Org #+caption keyword
  2. Using #+attr_html: :caption my caption

The #+caption is available will get the higher precedence. In the below image, caption is set using that:

Some text before image.

Figure 1: A unicorn! “Something in double quotes”

Figure 1: A unicorn! “Something in double quotes”

Some more text, after image.

Figure 2: The same figure again, testing a link too!

Figure 2: The same figure again, testing a link too!

Below, the same caption is set using the #+attr_html method instead:

Some text before image.

<2025-02-11 Tue> Fix export of standalone images.

Enter a new line after the image link so that it’s in an “Org paragraph” that contains just that image. That tells Org that that #+attr_html attribute is associated only with that image, and not to the text that follows that image too.

Setting image size #

Setting :width parameter #

The image width can be specified in pixels using the :width parameter. The height of the image will be resized proportionally.

Below image is shown 50 pixels wide.

Below image is shown 100 pixels wide.

Below image is shown with a width of 1000 pixels! Now the size of this image is 200px × 200px. But the image will still show up in 1000px × 1000px size, but obviously heavily pixelated!

Setting :height parameter #

NOTE: Support for specifying height parameter to the Hugo figure shortcut was only added recently in hugo PR #4018. So setting this parameter will need hugo v0.31 or later.

The image height can be specified in pixels using the :height parameter. The weight of the image will be resized proportionally.

Below image is shown 50 pixels tall.

Below image is shown 100 pixels tall.

Below image is shown with a height of 1000 pixels! Now the size of this image is 200px × 200px. But the image will still show up in 1000px × 1000px size, but obviously heavily pixelated!

Setting both :width and :height #

The NOTE above applies here too.. needs hugo v0.31 or later.

The figure sizes below are intentionally set mis-proportionally just for testing.

Multiple ATTR_HTML #

Below in Org source:

#+html: <style>.foo img { border:2px solid black; }</style>
#+attr_html: :alt Org mode logo
#+attr_html: :width 300 :class foo

Rendered this:

Org mode logo

NOTE: We cannot use :style in #+attr_html because Hugo does not yet support a style argument in the figure shortcode [ Source ].

So using #+html: <style>.foo img ... </style> and #+attr_html: :class foo as shown in the workaround above.

Other #

Similarly, :link, :attr, :attrlink parameters in #+attr_html are also supported to set the corresponding parameter in the Hugo figure shortcode.

Pathogenic case (manual HTML tag wrappers in Org source) #

It works.. but don’t do it!!

#+begin_export html
<div class="inset">
#+begin_export html

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This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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