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ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit 91f99d2 "Better links to standalone figures" on 2022-01-01.
Markdown source of this page

Image links

tags: image


This is some text before the first heading of this post. Unclickable image (works!) # # Org source #+name: fig__unclickable_image #+caption: Don't click this image -- It's not a hyperlink [[/images/org-mode-unicorn-logo.png]] Figure 1: Don’t click this image – It’s not a hyperlink To be fixed (Now fixed): The sub-headings in a post get exported as Heading 1 instead of Heading 2. For example, this sub-section’s heading is exported as: # Unclickable image instead of


This is some text before the first heading of this post.

Unclickable image (works!) #

# Org source
#+name: fig__unclickable_image
#+caption: Don't click this image -- It's not a hyperlink

Figure 1: Don’t click this image – It’s not a hyperlink

Figure 1: Don’t click this image – It’s not a hyperlink

To be fixed (Now fixed): The sub-headings in a post get exported as Heading 1 instead of Heading 2.

For example, this sub-section’s heading is exported as:

# Unclickable image

instead of

## Unclickable image

Solution: Above is fixed by setting HUGO_OFFSET_LEVEL to 1.

So the sub-heading title and the post title both get the Heading 1 tag and look the same size.

Click here to see the unicorn

Do not use file: prefix in the Description if you want the image link to show up as-is i.e. not be replaced by the image-at-link like in 2:

# Org source


Clickable image that opens the image (works!) #

Click below image to jump to the unicorn image.

# Org source
#+name: fig__clickable_image_that_opens_the_image
#+caption: Click this image -- It's a hyperlink

Figure 2: Click this image – It’s a hyperlink

Figure 2: Click this image – It’s a hyperlink

file: has to be used in the Description component of the Org link.

Here’s a similar link with #+name specified.. which should also be clickable.

Note that the file: is needed only in the “description” portion to create a hyperlinked image that links to an image. But having file: in the “link” portion of the Org link too shouldn’t hurt.

Click below image to jump to the unicorn image.

Link to image outside of standard Hugo static directory #

If you link to files outside of the Hugo static directory, ensure that the path contains /static/ if you would like to preserve the directory structure.

Example translations between outside static directory paths to the copied location inside static:

Outside static Copied-to location inside static Explanation
~/temp/static/images/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/images/foo.png If the outside path has /static/ in it, the directory structure after that is preserved when copied.
~/temp/static/img/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/img/foo.png (same as above)
~/temp/static/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/foo.png (same as above)
~/temp/static/articles/zoo.pdf <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/articles/zoo.pdf (same as above)

The above path translations (when path contains static) hold true even when inside page bundle pages.

Source path does not contain /static/ #

Outside static Copied-to location inside static Explanation
~/temp/bar/baz/foo.png <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/static/ox-hugo/foo.png Here, as the outside path does not have /static/, the file is copied to the ox-hugo/ dir in Hugo static/ dir.
The ox-hugo sub-directory name is because of the default value of org-hugo-default-static-subdirectory-for-externals.

Same image, but hyperlinked to itself #

This is a link to a file with a space in the filename: ox-hugo Issue #376 Link to unicorn logo.png

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PrevInSectionSource blocks with Hugo highlight shortcode

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This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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