.Kind (page): .Type (posts) / .Layout (alternate-single)
Bundle: n/a (regular page)
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ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit fd3ed77 "fix: Only the toplevel LOGBOOK activity should update date/lastmod" on 2022-05-12.
Markdown source of this page
This is alternate-single layout from _default.

The lastmod field is not set for this post (even if it has a note with timestamp) because this post is not marked as DONE.

Sub-heading #

This LOGBOOK note was added in a sub-heading after the post was marked DONE, but this note’s timestamp should not affect the post’s lastmod field (because this is not the toplevel LOGBOOK drawer).

Page (Debug)

Page VariableValue
Name "Post marked as DONE with LOGBOOK Notes in nested headings"
Title "Post marked as DONE with LOGBOOK Notes in nested headings"
ResourceType "page"
Kind "page"
Section "posts"
Draft false
Type "posts"
Layout "alternate-single"
Permalink "https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/test/posts/logbook-done-post-with-notes-in-sub-headings/"
RelPermalink "/posts/logbook-done-post-with-notes-in-sub-headings/"
page.Data{} (type:page.Data)
NextPageParse lastmod from LOGBOOK Notes with no recorded state changes
PrevPageLinks to Org Elements (tables, source blocks, ..)
NextInSectionParse lastmod from LOGBOOK Notes with no recorded state changes
PrevInSectionParsing lastmod from LOGBOOK

Page Params (Debug)

datetime.Time 2022-05-01 08:49:00 +0000 UTC
descriptionstring "Parse notes from LOGBOOK drawers in top-level and nested headings."
draftbool false
iscjklanguagebool false
lastmodtime.Time 2022-05-12 08:51:51 -0400 -0400
layoutstring "alternate-single"
notes[]interface {}
notestring " This LOGBOOK note was added in a sub-heading **after** the post was\n marked DONE, but this note's timestamp should not affect the post's\n `lastmod` field (because this is not the toplevel LOGBOOK drawer).\n "
timestamptime.Time 2022-05-12 08:49:00 +0000 UTC
publishdatetime.Time 2022-05-01 08:49:00 +0000 UTC
tags[]string "front-matter" "notes" "logbook" "lastmod"
titlestring "Post marked as DONE with LOGBOOK Notes in nested headings"

This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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