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ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit c24ea79 "feat!: Use tomelr.el for TOML generation" on 2022-05-03.
Markdown source of this page

Overriding few menu properties

tags: menu


For this post, we should see just the menu weight and identifier properties get overridden. You need to set unique menu identifiers, else you get a Hugo error like this: ERROR 2017/07/18 12:32:14 Two or more menu items have the same name/identifier in Menu "main": "menu-meta-data-in-yaml-front-matter". Rename or set an unique identifier.


For this post, we should see just the menu weight and identifier properties get overridden.

You need to set unique menu identifiers, else you get a Hugo error like this:

ERROR 2017/07/18 12:32:14 Two or more menu items have the same name/identifier in Menu "main": "menu-meta-data-in-yaml-front-matter".
Rename or set an unique identifier.

Page (Debug)

Page VariableValue
Name "Overriding few menu properties"
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Permalink "https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/test/posts/menu-alist-meta-data-toml-override-partial/"
RelPermalink "/posts/menu-alist-meta-data-toml-override-partial/"
page.Data{} (type:page.Data)
NextPageMenu Meta Data in YAML Front Matter
PrevPageOverriding menu properties completely
NextInSectionMenu Meta Data in YAML Front Matter
PrevInSectionOverriding menu properties completely

Page Params (Debug)

datetime.Time 2017-07-18 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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something heremaps.Params
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publishdatetime.Time 2017-07-18 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
tags[]string "menu"
titlestring "Overriding few menu properties"

File Object (Debug)

FileInfo VariableValue
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Path "posts/menu-alist-meta-data-toml-override-partial.md"

This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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