Spaces in categories
categories: abc def abc def ghi abc def ghi jkl
The Org tags do not allow spaces. So the trick we use is replace double underscores with spaces. So an Org tag @abc__def becomes Hugo category abc def.
The Org tags do not allow spaces. So the trick we use is replace double underscores with spaces.
So an Org tag @abc__def
becomes Hugo category abc def
Page (Debug)
Page Variable | Value | |
Name | "Spaces in categories" | |
Title | "Spaces in categories" | |
ResourceType | "page" | |
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Section | "posts" | |
Draft | false | |
Type | "posts" | |
Layout | "" | |
Permalink | "" | |
RelPermalink | "/posts/spaces-in-categories/" | |
Data |
| |
NextPage | Source blocks with line number annotation (Goldmark) | |
PrevPage | Spaces in tags | |
NextInSection | Source blocks with line number annotation (Goldmark) | |
PrevInSection | Spaces in tags |
Page Params (Debug)
Key | Type | Value |
categories | []string | "abc def" "abc def ghi" "abc def ghi jkl" |
draft | bool | false |
iscjklanguage | bool | false |
lastmod | time.Time | 2017-09-22 11:05:12 -0400 -0400 |
title | string | "Spaces in categories" |
File Object (Debug)
FileInfo Variable | Value |
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Section | "posts" |
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Dir | "posts/" |
Ext | "md" |
Path | "posts/" |