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Whitespace trimming around special blocks

tags: special-block whitespace trimming


Whitespace trimming using ~#+header: :trim-pre t :trim-post t~ before special blocks.


By default (in org-hugo-special-block-type-properties), the “mark” special block type has :trim-pre and :trim-post both set to t, because typically the <mark> is used to highlight words and phrases mid-sentence and we wouldn’t want to introduce a paragraph break before or after a <mark> element.

Whitespace trimmed before and after the mark special block (default) #

Below Org block:

line 1
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1 abc def line 2

Whitespace trimmed only before the mark special block #

Below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-post nil
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1 abc def

line 2

Whitespace trimmed only after the mark special block #

Below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-pre nil
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1

abc def line 2

No trimming #

Below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-pre nil :trim-post nil
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1

abc def

line 2

Use <span> tag if trimming detected #

Below Org block:

line 1
abc def
line 2

exports with <div> tags by default:

line 1

<div class="foo">

abc def


line 2

and renders as:

line 1

abc def

line 2

But if any of the trimming options are set in the header, it switches to using the <span> tag. So the below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-pre t :trim-post t
abc def
line 2

will export to:

line 1 <span class="foo">abc def</span> line 2

and render as:

line 1 abc def line 2

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NextPageVerse for indentation
PrevPageWhitespace trimming around special blocks (corner cases)
NextInSectionVerse for indentation
PrevInSectionWhitespace trimming around special blocks (corner cases)

Page Params (Debug)

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This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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