Test the use of #+toc: headlines 1
in a post with no headings.
This is the test site for the
package for Emacs/Org-mode.
It is updated automatically after each commit to the
It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.
.Image in homepage branch bundle:
Test the use of #+toc: headlines 1
in a post with no headings.
abc def ghi
Test setting of few Org Hugo variables via .dir-locals.el
First heading within the post # This post will be exported as content/posts/writing-hugo-blog-in-org-file-export.md. Its title will be “Writing Hugo blog in Org”. It will have hugo and org tags and emacs as category. The lastmod property in the front-matter is set automatically to the time of export. The menu item identifier is auto-set. The menu item weight and post weight if needed have to be manually specified as shown above. A sub-heading under that heading # It’s draft state will be marked as true because of #+hugo_draft: true.
First heading within the post # This post will be exported as content/posts/writing-hugo-blog-in-org-subtree-export.md. Its title will be “Writing Hugo blog in Org”. It will have hugo and org tags and emacs as category. The menu item weight and post weight are auto-calculated. The menu item identifier is auto-set. The lastmod property in the front-matter is set automatically to the time of export. A sub-heading under that heading # It’s draft state will be marked as true as the subtree has the todo state set to TODO.
Test citation CSL using org-ref
Test links to Info manual nodes.
This test tests the following:
tags as-is.<
in the figure
shortcodes with
captions (in general: {{< .. >}}
shortcodes that could wrap across
lines).{{< .. >}}
shortcodes. The test checks that such “wrapped
shortcodes” get unwrapped.Test source blocks inside list.
Here the source blocks are explicitly set to be code-fenced by setting the EXPORT_HUGO_CODE_FENCE property to t. Here are few variables that you might like to change in the local.mk: prefix Org installation directory prefix = /dir/where/you/want/to/install/org # Default: /usr/share The .el files will go to $(prefix)/emacs/site-lisp/org by default. If you’d like to change that, you can tweak the lispdir variable. infodir Org Info installation directory. I like to keep the Info file for development version of Org in a separate directory.
+ Hugo 0.101.0
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