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ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit f0dd0e2 "Support image copying for the homepage branch bundle case" on 2018-04-23.
Markdown source of this page


Image in homepage branch bundle:


Example block with list syntax in a list

(Last modified on Fri May 27, 2022)

An upstream bug in Blackfriday Issue #239 caused fenced code blocks in lists to not render correctly if they contain Markdown syntax lists. ox-hugo provides a hack to get around that bug. Below is an example of such a case: List item 1 ​- List item 1.1 in code block ​- List item 1.2 in code block List item 2 ​+ List item 2.1 in code block ​+ List item 2.


(Last modified on Fri May 27, 2022)

Be the root directory for this Hugo site (the directory containing config.toml). Run hugo server --port 1111 See the site served on “http://localhost:1111/”.

Source block with list syntax in a list

(Last modified on Fri May 27, 2022)

An upstream bug in Blackfriday Issue #239 caused fenced code blocks in lists to not render correctly if they contain Markdown syntax lists. ox-hugo provides a hack to get around that bug. Below is an example of such a case: List item 1 ​- List item 1.1 in code block ​- List item 1.2 in code block List item 2 ​+ List item 2.1 in code block ​+ List item 2.

Inline code blocks

(Last modified on Sun May 22, 2022)

Test exporting inline code blocks

Org Cite Basic Example

(Last modified on Thu May 19, 2022)

Basic example of using [cite:@xyz] citation.

LOGBOOK Notes in nested headings

(Last modified on Thu May 12, 2022)

Parse notes from LOGBOOK drawers in top-level and nested headings.

Parse lastmod from LOGBOOK Notes with no recorded state changes

(Last modified on Thu May 12, 2022)

Parse lastmod from toplevel LOGBOOK notes even if the drawer didn’t record any state changes.

Post marked as DONE with LOGBOOK Notes in nested headings

(Last modified on Thu May 12, 2022)

Parse notes from LOGBOOK drawers in top-level and nested headings.

Parsing notes from LOGBOOK

(Last modified on Thu May 12, 2022)

Parse notes from LOGBOOK into a TOML table (YAML map?) of logbook.notes front-matter.

Parsing lastmod from LOGBOOK

(Last modified on Thu May 12, 2022)

If LOGBOOK has multiple entries of "- State "DONE" from ..", use the newest entry to parse the lastmod date from.

This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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