.Kind (home): .Type (page) / .Layout ()
Bundle: branch
[ categories | tags | search ]
ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit f0dd0e2 "Support image copying for the homepage branch bundle case" on 2018-04-23.
Markdown source of this page


Image in homepage branch bundle:


Post with menu 1 (HUGO_MENU as keyword)

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

Menu Title property

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

The title property for menu entries was introduced in Hugo v0.32 in this commit.

Hugo keyword

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

Stuff followed the #+hugo: exports as-is except when it is “more”


(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

Test the case where the title contains only the date, making it look like a Hugo TOML date field.


(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

Case where EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION is set to /.

Replace only "tags" key

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

This post will have the tags key in front-matter replaced with keywords.

Replace only "linkTitle" key

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

This post will have the linkTitle key in front-matter replaced with linktitle.

Replace only "categories" key

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

This post will have the categories key in front-matter replaced with cats.

Replace both "tags" and "categories" keys

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

This post will have the tags key in front-matter replaced with keywords and categories replaced with cats.

Replace "description" with "summary"

(Last modified on Tue May 3, 2022)

This should be rendered as .Summary in Hugo v0.55+. For only Hugo versions, this will front-matter can be retrieved only as .Params.summary.

This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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