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ox-hugo Test Site

This is the test site for the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode.

It is updated automatically after each commit to the ox-hugo repo. It was last updated on Feb 12, 2025 19:37 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit 1a6acb5 "fix!: Export Org Verse blocks in div tags instead of p tags" on 2022-05-10.
Markdown source of this page

Verse for indentation

tags: verse


Some text before indented text. Text indented by 4 spaces Org removes indentation from the first line of the text block even in a Verse block. To get around that, the trick is to use the > character before the required indentation spaces only on the first non-blank line in a Verse block. Only that first > character is removed when translating to Markdown. More examples # More indentation than in the above example:


Some text before indented text.

    Text indented by 4 spaces

Org removes indentation from the first line of the text block even in a Verse block. To get around that, the trick is to use the > character before the required indentation spaces only on the first non-blank line in a Verse block. Only that first > character is removed when translating to Markdown.

More examples #

Corner cases #


>Line 1 above was empty. So the first =>= seen on this line is removed.
Line 3 had no =>= char.
> ← See that this =>= on line 4 is retained even at the beginning of the line.
Line 5 has this > charcter in-between and is retained.

Only the first > character immediately following spaces and empty lines will be removed:

Line 1 above was empty. So the first `>` seen on this line is removed.
Line 3 had no `>` char.
> ← See that this `>` on line 4 is retained even at the beginning of the line.
Line 5 has this > charcter in-between and is retained.

If someone really wants to have > as the first non-blank character in the final output, they can use >> instead.. only for that first instance. The below Verse block is same as above except that the first > is retained in the final output.


>>Line 1 above was empty. So *only* the first =>= seen on this line is removed.
Line 3 had no =>= char.
> ← See that this =>= on line 4 is retained even at the beginning of the line.
Line 5 has this > charcter in-between and is retained.

>Line 1 above was empty. So **only** the first `>` seen on this line is removed.
Line 3 had no `>` char.
> ← See that this `>` on line 4 is retained even at the beginning of the line.
Line 5 has this > charcter in-between and is retained.

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NextPageUsing Org macros in lieu of Hugo shortcodes
PrevPageWhitespace trimming around special blocks
NextInSectionUsing Org macros in lieu of Hugo shortcodes
PrevInSectionWhitespace trimming around special blocks

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This site is generated using the ox-hugo package for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme + Hugo 0.101.0 (commit 466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66) . This site is powered by Netlify.
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