Hugo Section

Specifying the path under Hugo “content” to where the Markdown file should be exported.

Default #

By default, ox-hugo exports all the markdown files to <HUGO_BASE_DIR>/content/posts/.

The “posts” sub-directory default is set in the org-hugo-default-section-directory defcustom variable which a user can customize.

With the below Org file, the post will export to that “posts” sub-directory:

#+hugo_base_dir: .

* My post
This gets created in ~<HUGO_BASE_DIR>/content/posts/~.

Setting org-hugo-default-section-directory will affect globally—All your ox-hugo exported projects.

Setting HUGO_SECTION per file #

If you need to override the default HUGO_SECTION only in an Org file, set the #+hugo_section keyword.

#+hugo_base_dir: .
#+hugo_section: articles

* My post
This gets created in ~<HUGO_BASE_DIR>/content/articles/~.

Setting HUGO_SECTION per subtree (only per-subtree flow) #

If you need to override both the default HUGO_SECTION and the Org file specific #+hugo_section keyword, set the EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION subtree property.

#+hugo_base_dir: .
#+hugo_section: articles

* About
This gets created directly in ~<HUGO_BASE_DIR>/content/~.
* My post
This gets created in ~<HUGO_BASE_DIR>/content/articles/~. As the
~EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION~ property is not set, the ~#+hugo_section~
keyword value applies.
* Notes
** My note
This gets created in ~<HUGO_BASE_DIR>/content/notes/~.

The EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION does not need to be set in the same subtree as the post.

The benefit of this is that you can have a parent subtree set the EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION value, and then have all the children subtrees inherit that value. See the “Notes” subtree in above example to see this inheritance in action.

Section path fragments (only per-subtree flow) #

The default Org Property behavior is that the value of a property set in the closest parent wins. See the below example to understand that.

* Main section
The parsed value of ~EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION~ property is ~"main"~ here.
** Sub section 1
The parsed value of ~EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION~ property is ~"sub"~ here. The
earlier set ~"main"~ value in the parent of this subtree is lost.

I would have liked the parent value ~"main"~ to get auto-prepended here.
** Sub section 2
The parsed value of ~EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION~ property is ~main/sub~ here.

While this works, it gets a bit inconvenient to manually prefix the
parent property value (~"main/"~ here) as the number of nesting levels
Code Snippet 1: Using only EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION

But this is Emacs, and with the help of Emacs-Lisp and kind help from Ihor Radchenko on the Org mailing list, ox-hugo now has a solution to this!


If a subtree has the EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION_FRAG property set1, it is treated as a section path fragment. Such fragment properties will be concatenated with the same fragment properties further up in the parent hierarchy.

The collective concatenated value of EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION_FRAG properties is further prefixed with the value of the good old HUGO_SECTION keyword/property that’s effective in that subtree.

EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION_FRAG has to be set as a subtree property. There is no Org keyword equivalent for this, because this property is designed (and makes sense) only for the per-subtree flow.

So the final section path looks like this:

< H U G O _ B A S E _ D I R > / c o n t e n t / < β”” H ─ U ─ G ─ O ─ _ ─ S ─ E ─ C ─ T ─ I ─ O ─ N ─ > ─ / ─ < ─ c ─ o ─ n ─ c ─ a ─ t ─ e n a s t e e c d t i v o a n l u p e a s t h o f ─ E ─ X ─ P ─ O ─ R ─ T ─ _ ─ H ─ U ─ G ─ O ─ _ ─ S ─ E ─ C ─ T ─ I ─ O ─ N ─ _ ─ F ─ R ─ A ─ G ─ > β”˜ /

See the below example to get further clarity on this logic.

* Main section
The /section path/ derived at this level is ~"main/"~.
** Sub section 1
The /section path/ derived at this level is ~"main/sub1/"~.
*** Sub section 1.1
The /section path/ derived at this level is ~"main/sub1/p1/"~.
*** Sub section 1.2
The /section path/ derived at this level is ~"main/sub1/p2/"~.
** Sub section 2
The /section path/ derived at this level is ~"main/sub2/"~.

  1. If you are looking for EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION* property, that has been deprecated; please see Deprecation Notices↩︎

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