Hugo test site for this package

A site with bare-bones Hugo “theme” is used to live-test the package — you’ll know why theme is double-quoted once you try out the site on hugo.

Check out the example single Org file. That is created for testing various Org->Hugo content and meta-data translation features. Here are the exported Markdown files.

How to try ox-hugo on that site? #

  1. Clone this repo:
    git clone -j8
  2. Ensure that go, and pandoc (at least version 2.16.2) are installed (more info here).
  3. Start the hugo server:
    make serve HUGO_BASE_DIR=test/site
  4. Open http://localhost:1337 in your browser.
  5. In a different terminal, cd to the repo directory.
  6. Run:
    make md
  7. In few seconds, hundreds of test posts will get created, with the hugo server aided preview in the browser zapping through each new created post.

Alternative way #

  1. Clone this repo.
    git clone -j8
  2. Ensure that go and pandoc (at least version 2.16.2) are installed (more info here).
  3. cd to the test/site/ directory and do:
    hugo server -D --navigateToChanged
  4. Above command will mention the localhost where the site is served. Open that in your browser.
  5. In emacs, (require 'ox-hugo) or evaluate the ox-hugo.el from the cloned repo.
  6. Open the file.
  7. C-c C-e H A – That will export all subtrees in the file to Markdown files.
  8. In few seconds, hundreds of test posts will get created, with the hugo server aided preview in the browser zapping through each new created post.
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