Org Special Blocks

Special #+begin_.. .. #+end_.. constructs recognized by Ox-hugo.

1 HTML5 inline elements #

Org special blocks created using the HTML tags defined in org-blackfriday-html5-inline-elements will export as inline HTML.


will export as:


For example, mark is one of those inline elements. So,

This sentence is marked.

will export as:

<mark>This sentence is marked.</mark>

and render as:

This sentence is marked.

2 HTML5 block elements #

Org special blocks created using the HTML tags defined in org-html-html5-elements will export as HTML blocks wrapped by those tags.


will export as:




For example, aside is one of those HTML5 block elements. So,

Some content for the ~aside~ block.
We can even make the ~aside~ block /aside-like/ with
[[][this little CSS]].

will export as:


Some content for the `aside` block.

We can even make the `aside` block _aside-like_ with
[this little CSS](

and render as:

We can even make the aside block aside-like with this little CSS.

3 Details and Summary #

details is one of the HTML5 block elements, but it is treated as a separate case because we also need to support the nested inline summary tag in there.

This is summary.
Here are the details.

See Details and Summary .

4 HTML Attributes #

HTML attributes can be added to the first tag of any of the above Special Blocks using the #+attr_html syntax. The class attribute, for instance, is very handy.

For example, if we want the marked text to have red foreground color, we can do:

#+begin_export html
  .red {
    color: red;
#+attr_html: :class red
This marked text's foreground is red.

You may choose to have a CSS snippet like above either inline in the exported Markdown, or in your website’s CSS file.

and that will render as:

This marked text’s foreground is red.

5 Description #

The #+begin_description .. #+end_description special block can be used to set the description front-matter variable.

This allows the description to be written in a well-formatted fashion with Org markup and it can be multi-line too.

As an example:

Here is my *post summary*.

And this can be over /multiple lines/ too!

Above will export as this in the TOML front matter:

description = """
  Here is my **post summary**.

  And this can be over _multiple lines_ too!

6 Hugo Paired Shortcodes #


7 Other Special Blocks (div tags) #

If the Special Block tag used isn’t found in org-blackfriday-html5-inline-elements or org-html-html5-elements, that block exports just as an HTML div block.

Content inside something.

exports as:

<div class="SOMETHING">

Content inside something.


and renders as:

Content inside something.

If we want to reuse the .red CSS rule defined above, we can type:

This text will be in red.

which will render as:

This text will be in red.

See the Whitespace Trimming section if you need to export with <span> tags instead of <div> tags.

8 Raw Org contents #

By default, the content inside the Org special blocks will have some default processing done by the exporter – Org entities like \sum will be replaced by its HTML entity &sum;, foo_{bar} will be replaced with foo<sub>bar</sub>, and so on.

But the user might want to keep the contents of the special block as-as, in its raw form, for some special block types. If the user wants to do this for a special block of the type FOO:

Some content
Code Snippet 1: An example special block of type FOO

, they need to add ("FOO" . (:raw t)) to the customization variable org-hugo-special-block-type-properties.

By default , ("katex" . (:raw t)) is added to this list. So when using a special block like,

E = -J \sum\_{i=1}^N s\_i s\_{i+1}
Code Snippet 2: An example special block of type katex

, the equation in the content of that special block: E = -J \sum\_{i=1}^N s\_i s\_{i+1} will be exported to Markdown as-is.

As an another example, if you have a special block for the Mermaid diagramming markup, and you need to write special blocks like below which has one of the HTML reserved characters (>),

flowchart TD
    Start --> Stop
Code Snippet 3: An example special block of type mermaid

you will need to export the content of that shortcode in raw Org. To do so, you can add something like this to your config:

(with-eval-after-load 'ox-hugo
  (add-to-list 'org-hugo-special-block-type-properties '("mermaid" . (:raw t))))
Code Snippet 4: An example of updating a special block type's :raw property to t

9 TikZJax #

ox-hugo supports exporting raw tikz snippet to Markdown which can be rendered to images using the TikZJax project.

To use this feature, ensure that the TikZJax scripts are loaded in the HTML <head> (you will need to tweak your site’s Hugo template for that):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
Code Snippet 5: Sourcing TikZJax scripts in HTML head

Then simply put tikz snippets in the Org source like so:

\draw (0,0) circle (1in);
Code Snippet 6: Example use of tikzjax special block

Search the ox-hugo test site for “tikzjax” examples.

10 Whitespace Trimming #

The default whitespace trimming around exported Org Special Blocks can be configured by setting the :trim-pre and :trim-post properties for specific special block types in the org-hugo-special-block-type-properties customization variable.

  • If :trim-pre is set to t, whitespace before the block is removed.
  • If :trim-post is set to t, whitespace after the block is removed.

For the types not specified in org-hugo-special-block-type-properties, the default behavior is like that of '(:trim-pre nil :trim-post nil).

Here’s an example of specifying trimming options for a new special block type “sidenote”:

(with-eval-after-load 'ox-hugo
  (add-to-list 'org-hugo-special-block-type-properties '("sidenote" . (:trim-pre t :trim-post t))))

Here’s an example of overriding properties for one of the types, say “mark”:

(with-eval-after-load 'ox-hugo
  (setcdr (assoc "mark" org-hugo-special-block-type-properties) '(:trim-pre t :trim-post nil)))

Or, you can M-x customize-group, select org-select-hugo and tweak this variable in that UI.

The default values set this way can be overridden in the Org file by using the #+header: keyword above the special blocks. Below examples demonstrate the usage of this #+header keyword.

If a special block tag is not recognized as an HTML block or inline element, or as a Hugo shortcode, it defaults to exporting with <div> tags. But if either pre or post trimming options are detected for a special block, it will export with <span> tags.

By default (in org-hugo-special-block-type-properties), the “mark” special block type has :trim-pre and :trim-post both set to t, because typically the <mark> is used to highlight words and phrases mid-sentence and we wouldn’t want to introduce a paragraph break before or after a <mark> element.

10.1 Whitespace trimmed before and after the mark special block (default) #

Below Org block:

line 1
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1 abc def line 2

10.2 Whitespace trimmed only before the mark special block #

Below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-post nil
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1 abc def

line 2

10.3 Whitespace trimmed only after the mark special block #

Below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-pre nil
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1

abc def line 2

10.4 No trimming #

Below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-pre nil :trim-post nil
abc def
line 2

exports and renders as:

line 1

abc def

line 2

10.5 Use <span> tag if trimming detected #

Below Org block:

line 1
abc def
line 2

exports with <div> tags by default:

line 1

<div class="foo">

abc def


line 2

and renders as:

line 1

abc def

line 2

But if any of the trimming options are set in the header, it switches to using the <span> tag. So the below Org block:

line 1
#+header: :trim-pre t :trim-post t
abc def
line 2

will export to:

line 1 <span class="foo">abc def</span> line 2

and render as:

line 1 abc def line 2

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